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Gladys Hawkins
Dress Designer

It’s difficult to find examples of lorem ipsum in use before Letraset made it popular as a dummy text in the 1960s, although McClintock says he remembers coming across the lorem ipsum passage in a book of old metal type samples.

Regina Cooper
Support Chief

So how did the classical Latin become so incoherent? According to McClintock, a 15th century typesetter likely scrambled part of Cicero’s De Finibus in order to provide placeholder text to mockup various fonts for a type specimen book.

Gladys Hawkins
Catalogue Illustrator

The 1914 Loeb Classical Library Edition ran out of room on page 34 for the Latin phrase “dolorem ipsum” (sorrow in itself). Thus, the truncated phrase leaves one page dangling with “do-”, while another begins with the now ubiquitous “lorem ipsum”.

Vestibulum pulvinar

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Gregory Bell

Catalogue Illustrator

Gladys Hawkins

Apparel Designer

Regina Cooper

Dress Designer

Brandon Pena

Support Chief